The Promises
Updated 8.9.23
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1. We live as allies, nurturing, supporting, and caring for one another and our relationship.
2. Courtesy and respect define our interactions.
3. We communicate with honesty and compassion, without judgment or fear.
4. We listen to our partners with an open heart and mind, honoring that we are separate individuals.
5. Our relationship is no longer at the mercy of the past.
6. Isolation and despair give way to cooperation and hope.
7. We let go of unmanageable expectations and find contentment in each other and our relationship.
8. We are both trusting and trustworthy.
9. We honor and love our partner as we honor and love ourselves.
10. We enjoy laughter and affection, celebrating each other and our relationship.
11. We instinctively turn to our Higher Power and the tools of recovery for help.
12. We rediscover the love that brought us together and are amazed to see it grow beyond anything we could have imagined.