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Chapter 9 – Couples In Recovery Anonymous


is a fellowship of people who share their experience, strength, and hope as couples that they may solve their common problems and help bring harmony to relationships in recovery from addiction and substance abuse.

Our group name comes from chapter nine of the A.A. Big Book, which suggests that couples “meet upon the common ground of tolerance, understanding, and love.” Ours is a Twelve Step program that partners work together. This is not group therapy, nor is it a place for crosstalk or taking a partner’s inventory. We provide a supportive atmosphere for sharing, listening, and identifying with others who are dealing with relationship problems similar to our own.

Our meetings are led by a chair couple, partners in Twelve Step recovery. Couples, as well as individuals in relationships, are welcome. The only requirements for membership are that the partners are in a committed relationship and that at least one partner is in another Twelve Step fellowship.

The Couple's Prayer

Higher Power, help us to be loving and supportive

to each other during this difficult time.

Give us the strength and wisdom not to hurt each other.

Give us the grace to accept each other just as we are,

and grant us serenity and joy.

Thy will be done.

Wild Path

"Outsiders are sometimes shocked when we burst into merriment over a seemingly tragic experience out of the past. But why shouldn't we laugh? We have recovered and have been given the power to help others."

- From the 4th edition, Alcoholics Anonymous, p.132

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